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114.8. FAQ

114.8.1. 调试 Rancher 查看日志

neo@ubuntu:~$ docker logs -f rancher		
$ curl -L

{"health": "true"}

114.8.2.  [network] Host [rancher.netkiller.cn] is not able to connect to the following ports: [rancher.netkiller.cn:2379]. Please check network policies and firewall rules


[network] Host [rancher.netkiller.cn] is not able to connect to the following ports: [rancher.netkiller.cn:2379]. Please check network policies and firewall rules


$ docker logs -f share-mnt

Error response from daemon: {"message":"No such container: kubelet"}
Error: failed to start containers: kubelet
neo@m-1d41c853af58:~$ snap list
Name      Version         Rev    Tracking   Publisher   Notes
core      16-2.37.4       6531   stable     canonical✓  core
go        1.12            3318   stable     mwhudson    classic
kubectl   1.13.4          780    stable     canonical✓  classic
lxd       3.11            10343  stable/…   canonical✓  -
microk8s  v1.14.0-beta.1  442    1.14/beta  canonical✓  classic

neo@m-1d41c853af58:~$ snap remove microk8s kubectl lxd
error: access denied (try with sudo)

neo@m-1d41c853af58:~$ sudo snap remove microk8s kubectl lxd
sudo: unable to resolve host m-1d41c853af58: Invalid argument
microk8s removed
kubectl removed
lxd removed

114.8.3. cgroups v2

检查操作系统是否支持 cgroups v2

grep cgroup2 /proc/filesystems

启用 cgroups v2 内核参数


回到 cgroups v1

sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"