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4.4. Unison File Synchronizer

If you are looking for a tool to sync your laptop with your workstation, you better have a look at Unison.

homepage: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/


$ sudo apt-get install unison	

4.4.1. local

dir to dir

unison dir1 dir2		

4.4.2. remote


unison dir1 ssh://username@remotehostname(ip)//absolute/path/to/dir2		


target host

# unison -socket NNNN	

source host

# unison dir1 socket://remotehost(ip):port//absolute/path/to/dir2			

4.4.3. config

create a config file under '.unison' directory.

vim ~/.unison/config.prf

root = /var/www
root = ssh://netkiller@netkiller.8800.org//var/www
force = /var/www
ignore = Path templates_compiled
ignore = Name tmp/*.pdf
auto = true
log = true
logfile = /home/netkiller/.unison/netkiller.8800.org.log