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78.4. MongoRepository

78.4.1. 扫描仓库接口

默认不需要设置,除非你的包不在当前包下,或者命令不是 repository。

@EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "cn.netkiller.repository")		

78.4.2. findAll()

	@RequestMapping(value = "read", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { "application/xml", "application/json" })
	public List<Withdraw> read() {
		return repository.findAll();

78.4.3. deleteAll()


78.4.4. save()

repository.save(new City("Shenzhen", "China"));

78.4.5. count()

	public long count() {
		return repository.count();

78.4.6. exists() 判断是否存在

boolean isExists = userRepository.exists(user.getId());			

78.4.7. existsById()


78.4.8. findByXXXX

List<User> findByName(String name);

List<User> users = userRepository.findByName("Eric");

78.4.9. findAll with OrderBy order by boolean 布尔型数据排序

因为 boolean 数据 true = 1, false = 0 所以 ASC false 会排列在前面。所有很多时候而我们需要 DESC 排序

List<ShippingAddress> shippingAddress = shippingAddressRepository.findAllByMemberIdOrderByDefaultsDesc(memberId);			

78.4.10. findAll with Sort

List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "name"));			

78.4.11. FindAll with Pageable

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 1);
Page<User> page = userRepository.findAll(pageable);
List<User> users = pages.getContent();	 PageRequest - springboot 1.x 旧版本

Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);			
	@RequestMapping(value = "read/{size}/{page}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { "application/xml", "application/json" })
	public List<Withdraw> readPage(@PathVariable int size, @PathVariable int page){
		PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(page-1,size);
		return repository.findAll(pageRequest).getContent();


					第一页 http://localhost:8080/v1/withdraw/read/10/1.json
					第二页 http://localhost:8080/v1/withdraw/read/10/2.json
					第五页 http://localhost:8080/v1/withdraw/read/10/5.json

78.4.12. StartingWith 和 EndingWith

List<User> findByNameStartingWith(String regexp);
List<User> findByNameEndingWith(String regexp);

List<User> users = userRepository.findByNameStartingWith("N");
List<User> users = userRepository.findByNameEndingWith("o");

78.4.13. Between


List<User> findByAgeBetween(int ageGT, int ageLT);

List<User> users = userRepository.findByAgeBetween(20, 50);

日期范围,取值 e.g. 2018-07-04 00:00:00 and 2018-07-04 23:59:59

List<Member> findByCreatedDateBetween(DateTime start, DateTime end);	

List<Member> findByCreatedDate(@Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) Date date);		

78.4.14. Before / After

List<Assets> findAllByUpdateDateBefore(Date yesterday);
List<Assets> findAllByUpdateDateBeforeAndStatus(Date yesterday, String status);

List<Assets> findAllByUpdateDateAfter(Date yesterday);

78.4.15. @Query

public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {
	@Query("{ 'name' : ?0 }")
	List<Person> findWithQuery(String userId);

	@Query(value = "{'statusHistories':{$elemMatch:{'status':{$in:['PROCESSABLE']}}},'created' : { '$gt' : { '$date' : ':?0' } , '$lt' : { '$date' : ':?1'}}}", count = true)
	Long countMe(@Param("dateFrom") Date datefrom, @Param("dateTo") Date dateTo);