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部分 VIII. Spring Cloud


85. Spring Cloud
85.1. Spring Cloud 相关的 application.properties 配置
85.1.1. 启用或禁用 bootstrap
85.1.2. bootstrap.properties 配置文件
86. Spring Cloud Config
86.1. Maven 项目 pom.xml 文件
86.2. Server
86.2.1. Maven config 模块
86.2.2. Application
86.2.3. application.properties
86.2.4. Git 仓库
86.2.5. 测试服务器
86.3. Client
86.3.1. Maven pom.xml
86.3.2. Application
86.3.3. bootstrap.properties
86.3.4. 测试 client
86.4. Config 高级配置
86.4.1. 仓库配置
86.4.2. Config server 用户认证
86.4.3. 加密敏感数据
86.4.4. Spring Cloud Config JDBC Backend
86.5. Old
86.5.1. Server (Camden.SR5)
86.5.2. Client (Camden.SR5)
87. Spring Cloud Consol
87.1. Spring Cloud Consul 配置
87.2. Maven 父项目
87.3. Consul 服务生产者
87.3.1. Maven
87.3.2. application.properties
87.3.3. SpringApplication
87.3.4. TestController
87.4. Consul 服务消费者
87.4.1. Maven
87.4.2. application.properties
87.4.3. SpringApplication
87.4.4. TestController
87.5. Openfeign
87.5.1. Maven
87.5.2. application.properties
87.5.3. SpringApplication
87.5.4. Feign 接口
87.5.5. TestController
88. Spring Cloud Netflix
88.1. Eureka Server
88.1.1. Maven
88.1.2. Application
88.1.3. application.properties
88.1.4. 检查注册服务器
88.2. Eureka Client
88.2.1. Maven
88.2.2. Application
88.2.3. RestController
88.2.4. application.properties
88.2.5. 测试
88.3. Feign client
88.3.1. Maven
88.3.2. Application
88.3.3. interface
88.3.4. application.properties
88.3.5. 测试
88.3.6. fallback
88.4. 为 Eureka Server 增加用户认证
88.4.1. Maven
88.4.2. application.properties
88.4.3. Eureka Client
88.4.4. Feign Client
88.5. Eureka 配置项
88.5.1. /eureka/apps
88.5.2. Eureka instance 配置项
88.5.3. Eureka client 配置项
88.5.4. Eureka Server配置项
88.6. ribbon
88.6.2. LoadBalancerClient 实例
88.6.3. Ribbon 相关配置
88.7. 获取 EurekaClient 信息
88.8. Zuul
88.8.1. Maven
88.8.2. EnableZuulProxy
88.8.3. application.yml
88.8.4. 负载均衡配置
89. Openfeign
89.1. Openfeign 扫描包配置
89.2. 用户认证
89.3. 应用实例
89.4. 配置连接方式
89.4.1. httpclient
89.4.2. okhttp
89.5. 配置手册
90. Spring Cloud Gateway
90.1. Gateway 例子
90.1.1. Maven
90.1.2. SpringApplication
90.1.3. application.yml
90.1.4. RouteLocator 方式
90.2. 路由配置
90.2.1. 转发操作
90.2.2. URL 参数
91. Spring Cloud Sleuth
91.1. logback 安装
92. Spring Cloud with Kubernetes
92.1. Config
92.1.1. Maven 依赖
92.1.2. Spring Cloud 配置文件
92.1.3. 程序文件
92.1.4. Kubernetes 编排脚本
92.1.5. 测试
92.2. 注册发现
92.2.1. Maven 父项目
92.2.2. provider
92.2.3. consumer
92.2.4. 测试
93. Spring Cloud Alibaba
93.1. 安装 Nacos
93.1.1. Docker 安装 Nacos
93.1.2. Kubernetes 安装 Nacos
93.1.3. IP限制,白名单
93.1.4. 防火墙配置
93.2. Kubernetes 部署微服务
93.2.1. pom.xml 中加入 docker 插件
93.2.2. 容器启动脚本
93.2.3. 构建 docker 镜像
93.2.4. 编排 kubernetes 容器
93.2.5. 启动指定 nacos
93.3. Nacos 配置中心/注册中心代码实例
93.3.1. Maven
93.3.2. SpringBootApplication
93.3.3. ConfigController
93.3.4. 配置文件
93.4. FAQ
93.4.1. 禁用 Nacos
93.4.2. 禁止注册
93.4.3. Failed to bind properties under 'server.tomcat.basedir' to java.io.File:
93.4.4. 不读取 bootstrap.yaml 文件
93.4.5. WARN [com.alibaba.nacos.client.naming:177] [,] - out of date data received, old-t: 1665711914993, new-t: 1665711902390
93.4.6. User limit of inotify instances reached or too many open files
93.4.7. 开启权限
93.4.8. ERROR Whitelabel
94. FAQ
94.1. Cannot execute request on any known server
94.2. @EnableDiscoveryClient与@EnableEurekaClient 区别
94.3. Feign请求超时
94.4. 已停止的微服务节点注销慢或不注销
94.5. Feign 启动出错 PathVariable annotation was empty on param 0.
94.6. Feign 提示 Consider defining a bean of type 'common.feign.Cms' in your configuration.
94.7. Load balancer does not have available server for client
94.8. Eureka Client (Dalston.SR1)
94.8.1. Maven
94.8.2. Application
94.8.3. RestController
94.8.4. application.properties
94.8.5. 测试
94.9. Config Server(1.3.1.RELEASE)
94.9.1. Server
94.9.2. Client
94.10. feign.RetryableException: Read timed out executing

1. Spring Cloud Stream