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第 1 章 Developer & Programming language


1.1. System programming language
1.2. 编程语言热度排行榜
1.2.1. TIOBE Programming 编程语言排行榜
1.2.2. Programming Languages Reference Sheets - Hyperpolyglot
1.2.3. DB-Engines - DB-Engines Ranking
1.2.4. Web Framework Benchmarks
1.2.5. The 10 hottest JavaScript framework projects
1.2.6. 各种语言性能测试
1.2.7. IDE 横向比较
1.2.8. Top 10 Programming Languages
1.2.9. PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language
1.2.10. RedMonk 编程语言排行榜
1.2.11. Developer Survey Results 2017
1.3. 软件工程 (Software Engineering)
1.4. 项目运作
1.5. 收集需求
1.6. 标准与规范
1.6.1. Project directory
1.6.2. 版本控制及如何运作
1.6.3. 代码审查
1.6.4. Redis Key
1.6.5. 错误编码
1.6.6. HTML 标准
1.6.7. 编码风格
1.6.8. 安全

1.1. System programming language

A System programming language is usually used to mean "a language for system programming": that is, a language designed for writing system software as distinct from application software.
