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部分 IV. Monitor


32. Munin
32.1. 用户认证
32.2. munin-node and plugins
32.2.1. munin-node.conf
32.2.2. mysql plugin
32.2.3. apache plugin
32.2.4. memcached plugin
32.3. munin.conf
32.4. munin-node
32.4.1. munin-node.conf
33. MRTG
33.1. 监控多个设备
33.2. 批量生成监控配置文件
33.3. 图片尺寸
34. smartd - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon
35. snmpd - daemon to respond to SNMP request packets.
36. cacti
37. Nagios
37.1. nagios
37.2. plugins
37.2.1. nrpe plugins
37.3. nrpe node
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